About Me

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I love grandma's. If you haven't hugged your grandma today, do it. If you need to borrow a grandma to hug from someone else. Just do it. Brandon's ( mine too) Grandma Molly passed away yesterday and its so amazing how she has touched the lives of her grandchildren. God gives us all a second chance to be parents and grand ones at that! I would love to hear from all of you who read this. Please send a comment to this blog about some great advice or memory that you have about your grandma. I would like to publish your comments.

Love you all!
God Bless.

1 comment:

Dave and Shandie said...

Some of my memories of my grandma are slightly inappropriate to publish (she says the most random gross things sometimes).
I did get a chance to meet my mom's grandma who I called Little Grandma because when I was in kindergarten I was almost as tall as her. She was 97 and lived in Oklahoma when I met her. She absolutely hated my name and wouldn't use it. She called me things like sugar and honey. While visiting her we both had grape sodas together (when soda still came in glass bottles). She put straws in the bottles to drink out of and got completely frustrated when they wouldn't stay in place. They kept bobbing up and down in the bottle. So, she got up and grabbed some scotch tape and taped the straws to the bottle. That is probably my favorite memory of her from the short time that I got to know her.

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