About Me

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Para mi familia.- (use Google translate)

¿Por qué parece tan difícil a veces para comunicar nuestro amor el uno para el otro?El amor no es solamente un sentimiento. El amor es también la acción que contiene paciente, pacífico, dulce bondad para que no pueden ser merecedores de esta merced o gracia.
El amor es el mejor regalo que podemos dar o recibir.
Hoy a elegir el amor.
El amor es el mayor de todos los regalos.

El amor es paciente, el amor es amable.
No envidia.
El amor nunca es jactancioso, ni presumido, ni grosero;
No es egoísmo, ni fácilmente enojó.
Mantiene ningún registro de infracciones.
No se deleite en el mal,
Pero se regocija en la verdad.
Siempre protege, confía, espera, y preserva.
No hay nada de amor no puede hacer frente;
No hay límite a su fe, esperanza y resistencia.
En una palabra, hay tres cosas que duran para siempre:
Fe, esperanza y amor;
Pero el mayor de todos ellos es el amor.
- 1 Corintios 13:4-7

No nos gusta o la lengua con palabras sino con acciones y en la verdad.
- 1 Juan 3:18

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sledsville, USA - Take Two

Photo top:
Casey's Moment of Glory at the 1975 Forbush Special Olympics.

Photo bottom:
Melinda waves to all of her Sled Team USA friends while showing her skills doing her trademark move "The Tumbleweed".

This family doesnt mess around with sissy moves. This is serious business. We accept challenges from other teams if you can keep up with competition. Wimps need not apply.

Family 4 Ever -Sled Team USA

This was the just the beginning of a superior day of competitive family sledding events. If you are sensitive to graphic images I caution you that these are real sledding activities. Do not try these moves at home. Please consult your physician and psychiatrist before attempting this sport. This blog will not assume any liability for any injuries or mental illness following the viewing of this blog or any other blog entry from Little Girl Enterprises.

Sledsville, USA - Take One

Saturday, December 27, 2008

What did you learn this Christmas Season?

I learned once again that I would like to spend more time listening to my children and less time trying to figure out what gift will give me the "best mom in the world" feeling.
This is picture is of Lindsay consoling Isabelle on Christmas.
Isabelle is trying to come to terms with the fact she will not be able to play hide and seek with her cousin Jordyn. Isabelle is hoping to find someone who might understand her plight and join her on a fun-filled journey of finding the perfect hiding place. Finding a spot untouched by the human mind and to sit in anticipation as someones shoe passes unknowingly by your knee......Ohh.....I got carried away.
The conclusion of this real life story is that Isabelle got to play hide and seek. She didn't get to play with Jordyn but she did play with her Uncle David and we all lived happily ever after.

I'll count....you hide.....1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.....Ready or not, you shall be caught!


The Forbush Four

The Forbush Four



Hot Mama

Hot Mama

Me and Gramps.

Me and Gramps.

Velasquez Family Photo

Velasquez Family Photo

Aunt Cydee

Aunt Cydee

Dr. Doug

Dr. Doug

The Two Cutest Girls

The Two Cutest Girls
My outfit is awesome!



Fritz and Dalton

Fritz and Dalton

Nat's and Pammy

Nat's and Pammy

Uncle Todd

Uncle Todd

Bonner's kids

Bonner's kids

Cody and Aunt Ju

Cody and Aunt Ju

Dalton and Todd

Dalton and Todd

Deryk and Linz at Grandpa's 12/08

Deryk and Linz at Grandpa's 12/08

Who is this celebrity dancer?

Who is this celebrity dancer?

Who are these love birds?

Who are these love birds?

Who are these tough guys?

Who are these tough guys?

Who are these babes?

Who are these babes?

The Harrison Seven

The Harrison Seven

Melinda and David

Melinda and David

Did she get the last rose?

Did she get the last rose?

Gramps and the girls.

Gramps and the girls.

Who is this child actor?

Who is this child actor?

Doads and Linz at Grandpa's 12/08

Doads and Linz at Grandpa's 12/08

Miles the Moco Man

Miles the Moco Man

Cyd, Geri, Susan

Cyd, Geri, Susan







Josh (J.Bonner's Man)

Josh (J.Bonner's Man)

Uncle Toddy

Uncle Toddy